Kenn is a Master Connector-
Listen, affirm, re-state, and provide evidence-based holistic healing-centered engagement that helps Black men find the best within themself.
A Class of 2012 graduate of Boys’ Latin of Philadelphia, Kenneth Bourne II (“Kenn”) received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from Denison University and a Masters of Social Work from Rutgers University.
Kenneth Bourne,
a Philadelphia-based licensed social worker, is the founder/CEO of Bourne ANEW LLC.
Throughout his career as a social worker, Kenn has been able to connect with and support an incredibly diverse array of people. People considered by others to be “hard to reach.”
Black, Latino and Asian. Refugees from Bhutanese, Congolese, Eritrean, Iraqi, and Sudanese communities. Young victims of interpersonal violence, including those left paralyzed from shootings. Almost all underserved, dealing with unmet healthcare needs and sustained traumatic stress reaction, structural racism and social oppression.
“I valued the way in which Kenn spoke to us with respect and care.
He provided some fundamental frameworks that centered us all in our experience without over-talking or excessive terminology. He addressed us as a group connected by love and by pain. By then allowing each of us to reveal those feelings, we could find comfort in hearing each other and sharing the pain.The 5 strategies he ended with were practical and simple practices with which to send us forward.”
Heart and Experience Center is your opportunity to connect with Kenn and other like-minded individuals, grow community, join live workshops, access to exclusive content and more!